Impingement Syndrome Surgery

Shoulder impingement syndrome surgery is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that is typically performed arthroscopically with the use of a tiny camera inserted into the tendon. Three small incisions will be made in the arm to allow access to the injured area and decompress the space around the rotator tendon. The subacromial bursa tissue will be removed and impinging ligaments will be cut away. The hook formed at the end of the acromion is shaved to allow room for the tendons to heal.

Getting an Impingement Syndrome surgery test is important. Shoulder impingement syndrome is created by a swelling in the subacromial bursa, a pocket of lubricating fluid in the shoulder that allows joints to move unimpeded. The swollen subacromial bursa and the tendons of the rotator cuff rub against the acromion, which is a protruding segment of the shoulder blade that assists with the lifting of the arm.

What Are the Symptoms of Shoulder Impingement?

The symptoms of shoulder impingement such as tenderness, swelling, shoulder weakness, and pain are the result of overuse. In most cases, your surgeon at South Florida Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine will recommend nonsurgical treatment methods such as physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medication to alleviate pain and swelling in the shoulder.

A majority of patients experience successful healing in the shoulder without surgery. However, a small minority of patients will require surgical treatment in order to reduce the swelling in the shoulder and create a healing environment in the shoulder.

Impingement Syndrome Surgery

What are the Results and Recovery of Impingement Syndrome Surgery?

A sling will be required for the initial recovery period and immobility of the shoulder is crucial. Within one to two months of surgery, you can resume normal activities that keep the arm at waist height. Physical therapy will help you with improving the range of motion six weeks after surgery. Strengthening exercises will be necessary two to four months following the procedure. A full recovery is possible within six months of surgery.

A majority of patients report experiencing relief from pressure and tenderness created by impingement. The range of motion is typically improved and most patients can resume normal activities without swelling or pain.